Start using ALL WARDENS for FREE!

Unlimited wardens, locations and emergency events. No credit card required to get started.
Once you have ALL WARDENS setup and are comfortable to go live in the field with certified wardens rostered on-duty, we will bill you after your first month.

Your cell phone number is a requirement for the Emergency Event Management app. This enables communication with Wardens and to receive emergency broadcasts from your organisation.

Your Work Location

Work Locations specify a City, Site, Building and Floor where occupants are located. This information is required to ensure adequate Warden coverage and occupant safety during emergency events. Enter your City, Site and Building - you can add more and modify these later. For convenience, a series of Floors will be created for you in your Building - you will initially be assigned to "Floor - 01" which you can modify later. To get started, we just need the name of your first City, Site and Building.